If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

It's not like the zombie mode is going to mess with the campaign... Why would anyone cry an extra feature to the game? If you don't like it don't click on play zombies haha.. People really just need something to cry about or their life won't be complete.

5016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with you Danielle, if it wasn't for the RTS (Real Time Strategy) element the game would have been much better. I was actually enjoying the game until I ran into that nonsense. It's cool that they wanted to try something new if they would have added something else in place of the RTS it would have been near perfect. The world design and story was great. As for Kotick my spidey senses are tingling and they're telling me he's an ass and they're not always off....

5017d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fanboys don't use common sense you guys should know that by now. They get hyped up about anything as long as it says something good about their superior...Poop. It's just apart of what they do. Which is to make their piece of trash look like candy to the mass amount of people who can't think for themselves or always hop on the bandwagon. This just show how ignorant people are to confuse GTA 4 with GT5 (did you even bother to read the description or view the pictures?). Anyway ther...

5018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I enjoy the multiplayer on Halo Reach but I didn't like the ending or how we got to the ending. It just wasn't as meaningful as I wanted it to be for the last Halo or at least for awhile. The space fight was actually awesome I thought. I wish I could have actually spent more time doing different missions in a ship. That would be even cooler to have a matchmaking game where you fight in space. Like an article I read it felt a bit like Star fox. Anyway back to the ending. It wasn't ...

5022d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hey I'm down with new names that I can actually pronounce. But horsebirds?! ROFL!!!! That's pretty ridiculous, there's nothing wrong with the name chocobo. Horsebird just sounds like something a kid would call it.

5025d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think some fanboys are going gay watching this interview. Lol it's ridiculous reading some of these comments. Listen I like the ps3 too, but to see these ridiculous comments get agrees makes me raise an eyebrow. Just a little overreacting over what this guys says...

5033d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I picked the male and only used the male. The main reason I personally play Mass Effect is because I feel that I'm the character I create in some way. Which I thought was what they were trying to do with the game. Kind of put you in the game, make the decisions you want, and feel as if you are the character in some way to draw a different emotion from the player. It just throws me off to be a female character when trying to do this. Call me insecure if you want but 80% that played this ga...

5034d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes there's a very little difference. The average person wont even care or have it come to mind when they play it. I could say the same for many graphic comparisons I see.

5037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HAHA dude I'm happy I'm not the only one that has been asking for Legend of the dragoon 2. I loved that game so much... It just kills me to think that there may never be another one.. :(

5039d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It wasnt even an issue in Case Zero... You only needed to go back every 12 hours, which is a good amount of time. Also Zombrex wasnt even hard to obtain at all. I think this guy is just looking for something to complain about to be honest.

5042d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought I may have learned something from this article.. It actually did just the opposite. Blame Bill Gates? Lol whoever wrote doesn't know much about the industry. Also even as Bill Gates retired he has did even more charity. There's a lot of business men I don't like, but Bill Gates isn't one of them.

5044d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

More ps3s sold in America than Japan. Actually double the amount, so it has nothing to do loyalty when it comes to purchase. It's just what Sony has always done.

5050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They have been doing this since the ps1. I don't know if they would have released some of the stuff for America without Xbox as a competitor. I'm not trying to be biased but seriously it's crappy to see games and such made for Japan only. Usually there's a reason for that but sometimes I just question it. I like and hate to see stuff made in Japan. I like it because there's cool stuff that is made in Japan, I hate it because a lot of the time's it take's longer or ...

5050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well that's not what I was talking about personally. I was talking more around the lines of features. I know they haven't been so bad with the ps3 as far as I know of. I remember with the psp when I first bought it in Japan you could watch live tv on it. In America however you couldn't do some cool stuff like that.

5050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony has always made japan only products. That's one reason I like Microsoft or some other American companies being in the game industry. I still bought a ps3 for some good titles. I just feel left out when I don't get some of the stuff that's in their region. I know I will get some fanboy hate for saying that but I'm just being honest. Now if I lived in Japan it may be a different story.

5051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just love how people say these guys are immature for fighting. Yet they go on to say stupid stuff like "I can't believe they were ps3 users, I'd expect that from xbox 360 users". I'm no psychologist but I think it's perfectly normal to want to punch someone in the mouth for being an ignorant troll. You act like because one person uses a ps3 and the other uses a 360 they're completely opposite. I swear fanboys rarely use common sense and talk like they're in...

5051d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I say both > dog. I wouldn't mind having a pet parrot but I wouldn't want to sacrifice my dog for one. I like the dog for some reason.

5053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's if they decide to even go online and use the update. I'm pretty sure some will just play their ps3 offline if they don't like online. I'm not saying that's the majority because I personally like playing online. They wouldn't be able to play awesome looking games like LBP2 online if they decided not to update.

5053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where did all these bubble come from, did I miss a bubble fest or something? Anyway I can't afford the PC to play crysis 2 on highest settings if it were to come out right now. But it isn't and by time it does I will have money saved up for a good PC to run it. It all depends on how much money I spend on other things and college also though.

5053d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only thing on that list that was interesting to me was Ratchet and Clank, and KZ3. I'd say Infamous 2 also if it was on there.

5058d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment